Are razor bumps a part of your life?

Do you or does the man in your life suffer from Pseudofolliculitis Barbae? PFB more commonly known as razor bumps, which is a condition that occurs from shaving, waxing and irritation causing ingrown hairs to grow back into the skin leading to blockage, inflammation and eventually infection. An ingrown hair can produce a red, raised bump that looks much like a pimple. At times, there may be pus inside the bump. It also causes swelling, discomfort, and inflammation in the area,  The condition occurs most frequently where people shave or wax to rid of unwanted hair, such as the beard area, legs, underarms and bikini line. Although not a serious skin condition, it is a nuisance and can often times affect one's self confidence. In most cases, the hairs go away on their own as the hair eventually grows out of the skin.
Salicylic and Acetylsalicylic Acids eat up the dead skin cells causing the blockage while also helping to reduce redness, inflammation, swelling and infection. RA for Men's Rezone is a true "treatment toner" for home care that works to minimize razor bumps/ingrown hairs while is also very hydrating and healing.
Rezone has added antibacterials, anti-inflammatories, and antioxidants from Tea Tree Oil, Totarol, Rooibos Extract, Montmorillonite and Rice Ferment (Sake) making this a perfect addition to a healthy home maintenance skin care routine.